Sunday, April 16, 2006

I don't seem to be blogging.

I guess I am not surprised. I seem to be doing lots of reading of the blogs, but not a whole lotta writing of the blog. I guess I don't even know when I would find the time on a regular basis to do it anyway. I would have to get up early or something. HORROR!!! Hard enough for me to get up when I have a place to be and people waiting for me.

Anyway. Enough of the bitchin'.

I have been busy. Got the wedding all planned. Mostly anyway. I am getting excited about it now that it isn't just a big ol' chore. Only thing left to do is make the invitations which I am not even going to start on until after a big test I have at the end of June. I have all of the materials to make the invites I just need to do the printing and cutting and putting together.

School is going fine now. I wound myself into a tight ball of stress the last 3 weeks of last quarter and didn't do a good job of destressing during spring break. So, I started the quarter off in HUGE resistance and resentment of my choices and of school and people telling me what to do and when. Hate that! But I have pulled out of it and am feeling mostly fine about the whole thing. A bit nervous about the whole Clinic Entrance Exam that I take at the end of June. It is over the last 3 yrs of school plus anatomy and physiology which I took 5+ years ago. But studying for it is going well and I have 2 months more to go. If I don't drop the ball it will be fine. It would totally suck to make a mistake and not pass the exam though. I want to be in the clinic practicing on actual people, please.

My house is rented to the woman that first contacted me about it. It just took several months for her to get her act together. There have been some strange things happening at the house. But, luckily, nothing that $500 and 3 plumber visits can't handle. Just a hassle is all.

Don't know what else is going on. It is begining to look like spring out there. We have had some nice sunny days interspersed with the rainy days just like normal. Yay, spring!


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